Creativity unites

Stories can be told in many ways. Telling and taking part of stories is the best way to come up with new ideas. New ideas generate new projects and new projects create new development. Mixing different expressions such as art, design, text and music, is the annalananna way of continuously moving forward.

The annalananna blog of the day mediates additional stories about being a woman, illustrated by pictures from the collections and songs with female Swedish musicians. Creativity unites.

Keep going and don’t quit

Creativity is less about inspiration and more about hard work. The commercial aspect of producing artwork for others is a great way of getting the job done. But to make dreams come true, big or small, one might need some guidelines, rules even, to keep track of confidence and discipline.

The concept of annalananna’s Art déco design for the 2020’s have three rules that are helpful when we doubt ourselves, when we feel lazy or when we forget who we are.

Rule #1: Be good enough

Never say I’m not good enough. Play with identities, say something new and you will be GOOD. Or goth …

I said: I’m not goth enough.

”The gothic novel of the eighteenth-century is a pioneer of the modern understanding of the term gothic by being a genre related to the mood of horror, morbidity and darkness.” (

Rule #2: Use randomness

An ugly sketch may become something beautiful in the end. Use randomness and let it talk back to you.

Randomness said: It’s a face.

”It would be easiest to define randomness as a series of events taking place without any meaning or independent of any possible rule.” (

Rule #3: Don’t forget to play

Play around with words and come up with new ones, be a child. There might be magic around the corner.

The child said: This is MY fashion.

Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. Clothes create a wordless means of communication that we all understand.” (Katherine Hamnett/PBS Newshour)